What's the difference between smoking and edibles?

There are several questions you may have when it comes to the differences in inhaling and ingesting cannabis. This blog post will explain the key differences and why each method has a different effect and gives you a different high. You will also find out about the metabolic process, which is how the body breaks down the THC that is inhaled or ingested. While both methods work in their own way, you may have a preference based on your health condition, the length/duration of the high, or other factors.

Inhaling Cannabis

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There are several different ways you can inhale cannabis. Some of the most common ways are by smoking a joint or pipe. Others may choose to inhale marijuana using a vape pen. No matter the tool you’re using, when marijuana is inhaled, its THC undergoes a metabolic process and travels directly to the brain. This is why the effects of smoking or vaporizing cannabis are felt faster, but also fades fairly quickly. The effects of smoking tend to peak within the first 10-30 minutes, and rapidly decrease over the next hour. The length of the effects depends on the amount of marijuana consumed and other factors including your tolerance and average consumption levels. This fact may be important to you because of how long you want the high to last.

Ingesting Cannabis

When ingesting cannabis-infused edibles, THC undergoes a different metabolic process. Rather than traveling directly to the brain, THC passes through the stomach and then the liver which converts it to 11-hydroxy-THC. This metabolite crosses the blood-brain barrier which results in a more intense high. Edibles may be strong, but they actually deliver a smaller concentration of cannabinoids to the bloodstream. Ingesting cannabis only introduces 10-20 percent of THC, compared to the 50-60 percent that inhaling delivers. Some patients, especially those dealing with pain, prefer to go the edible route because of the longer effects it has on the body. There are many edible recipes out there today that consist of a lot more than just the typical “pot brownie.” Cannabis-infused treats can now consist of candies, butters, cookies and drinks, just to name a few. If ingesting cannabis is the route you would like to take, just make sure to start small and be patient!

Learn more here about getting your medical marijuana card!